Monday, 1 October 2012

Handsome Gentlemen

 We have been planning an empty shop project in the Bring Colour camp for some time now, lots of planning, plenty of meetings and numerous knock-backs later we are very pleased to anounce something bigger and better than an empty shop project............... An Empty Warehouse Project!

Bring Colour presents Handsome Gentlemen, the debut group exhibition of Coventry-based creatives, The Hearts Gang.

OPENING PARTY - Saturday 3rd November - Be there @ 6pm.
Art, Photography, Live Music, DJ's and its FREE!

Exhibits from:

Live Hip Hop from...

+ DJ's TBC

GALLERY OPEN - Tues-Sun (2pm-8pm) - Til' Saturday 17th November

" Coventry isn’t famed for its art. Words like – Vibrant, Fresh, Creative and Young don’t often take star roles in Coventry City Councils shopping list – However… all this is about to change; HG have a gig, and by gig I mean “Massive Warehouse” jam packed to the crumbling asbestos, full of amazing art, delightful music and a crisp exciting way of approaching life in this humdrum Coventry.

Handsome Gentlemen don’t profess to hold any of the answers to the stagnant mystery of Coventry’s “creative sector”. In fact HG don’t profess anything, cards and chest etc. They do however offer a large bowl of optimistic bread to the table - of course the bread is of good wholesome quality; weirdly sweet in sentiment, warm and steamy.

Make no mistakes, the group is a rabble. HG can be best described as a strange, fuming, potion, flaring in a cauldron of confusion. A raggedy bunch of tattooists, graffiti artists, musicians and photographers, who all excel in their chosen field (And if they don’t they think they do) They’re not short of confidence… However they do struggle for a voice. They struggle for a voice in Coventry, a city that fattens daily with an apathy for inspiration. Coventry sits spread, bursting with thick, grey goo slipping from its seams.

HG endeavour to change the plight of Coventry’s Creative Sector by breathing life back into the bowels of the dwindling city. The raggedy, rabble plan to carry out their demonic plot by showcasing an ethos of creativity, and expression. Pop along to the warehouse or you might get shot! "

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